Eating Disorders and ADHD

Eating disorders and ADHD: Intuitive eating, meal plans and more

In this conversation, Johanna and Kiah Paetz (Eating Disorder Dietitian) discuss the link between ADHD and eating disorders, the challenges individuals with ADHD face in relation to meal planning and executive function, and the importance of self-compassion.

Kiah shares her personal experience with an eating disorder and late ADHD diagnosis, highlighting the need for neurodivergent-informed treatment. Together they address misconceptions about eating disorders and ADHD, emphasizing the complexity of these conditions and the importance of understanding and support.

The conversation concludes with advice for newly diagnosed individuals, including the importance of learning about ADHD, seeking professional help, and building a supportive network. In this conversation, Johanna and Keir discuss various topics related to disordered eating and ADHD.

They provide resources for eating disorders, emphasize the importance of professional support, compare cleaning house to a never-ending shopping trip. The conversation concludes with a reminder to do further research and seek professional help including the following:




Find Kiah here: @nutritionbykiah @imbodihealth and her website:

Find Johanna here: : @adhdherway and @holisticwellnesspsychology or email:


  • There are resources available for individuals struggling with disordered eating or eating disorders, such as the Butterfly Foundation, Eating Disorders Victoria, and Eating Disorders Queensland.

  • Professional support is crucial for addressing disordered eating and ADHD, as it provides personalised strategies and guidance.


What does ADHD look like in women and girls?


Five Types of ADHD Overwhelm and Simple Strategies for a Short Fuse