What Does ADHD look like in Women and girls

What does ADHD look like in women and girls?

This solo episode focuses on the often overlooked symptoms of ADHD in females. It discusses the consequences of ADHD in females, including higher dropout rates, underachievement in academics, poor social relationships, and comorbid disorders. The episode also explores the inattentive and internalized symptoms commonly seen in females with ADHD, as well as the misdiagnosis and comorbidities they may face. It delves into the challenges of emotional dysregulation, social difficulties, and rejection sensitive dysphoria in females with ADHD. The episode highlights the biases and misinterpretation of symptoms that can delay diagnosis and the importance of early intervention. It finishes with a list of questions that can highlight typical ADHD traits in women and girls.


  • ADHD symptoms in females can be subtle and easily misattributed to other conditions or personality traits.

  • Females with ADHD often experience emotional dysregulation, social challenges, and rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD).

  • Misdiagnosis and comorbidities, such as anxiety and depression, are common in females with ADHD and often diagnosed before ADHD.

  • Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for managing ADHD and improving quality of life in females.

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The Sources included: https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-in-women-girls-symptoms-diagnosis-recommendations/ , https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4195638/and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7422602/


00:00 Introduction: Overlooking Symptoms of ADHD in Females

00:59 Consequences of ADHD in Females

01:56 Inattentive and Internalized Symptoms in Females with ADHD

02:44 Misdiagnosis and Comorbidities in Females with ADHD

03:13 Emotional Dysregulation and Social Challenges

04:10 Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) in Females with ADHD

05:36 Unmasking ADHD in Females

06:32 Emotional Distress and Social Exclusion

07:02 Biases and Misinterpretation of Symptoms in Females with ADHD

08:54 Pivotal Transitions and Exacerbation of Symptoms

10:34 Compensatory Strategies and Stress in Females with ADHD

11:55 Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms and Comorbidities

13:48 Symptoms List for Women and Girls with ADHD

16:12 Importance of Early Diagnosis and Intervention

16:38 Conclusion and Future Episodes


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